Carmen Bassler


Carmen Bassler is Engagement Manager at artec. In this position she coordinates and is responsible for projects to place management positions. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Hohenheim and a Master of Science in Business Psychology from the Private University Schloss Seeburg, where she is currently completing her PhD in Social and Economic Sciences. During her studies, Carmen Bassler gained valuable practical experience in various management consultancies, where she was able to successfully apply her theoretical knowledge in practical projects.

In her current position, Carmen Bassler leads the recruitment team at artec and works with her team to ensure that highly qualified executives are recruited in a targeted manner. She is also the expert for the WDYS ('Why Do You Stay') projects, which focus on employee retention and the development of strategies for employee satisfaction and retention. 

Carmen Bassler recruits for management positions in the industry/automotive, energy and (luxury) consumer goods sectors. artec's clients include international medium-sized companies, listed groups and public sector organisations.


+49 711 94 54 22 00

Industriestraße 3
70565 Stuttgart


  • Consumer & Retail
  • Energy, Utilities & Mining
  • Government, Education & Non-Profit
  • Industry