Aktuelle Anforderungen an Führungskräfte

Unternehmen brauchen mehr denn je eine starke Führung. Volatilität, Unsicherheit, Komplexität und Ambiguität, die vier Begriffe hinter dem Akronym…

TRANSEARCH Business Lunch mit "Mr. New Office" Samir Ayoub

Ein weiteres Mal zeigte sich der halbjährlich stattfindende TRANSEARCH Business Lunch als inspirierendes Forum für Unternehmer:innen und…

Samir Ayoub zu Gast beim 13. TRANSEARCH Business Lunch

Der TRANSEARCH Business Lunch ist eine hochkarätige und etablierte Netzwerkplattform für Top-Executives in exklusivem Rahmen.

Neuer Geschäftsführer für TRANSEARCH International Deutschland GmbH

Dr. Hilmar Döring ist am 1. Mai 2024 zum Team von TRANSEARCH in Stuttgart gestoßen und wird sukzessive die Aufgaben des langjährigen…

Mobilität der Zukunft nachhaltig gestalten

Arnd Franz zu Gast beim TRANSEARCH Business Lunch

Arnd Franz zu Gast beim TRANSEARCH Business Lunch

Der TRANSEARCH Business Lunch ist eine hochkarätige und etablierte Netzwerkplattform für Top-Executives im exklusiven Rahmen.

Ergebnisse der TRANSEARCH People Management Insights Survey

Wichtige Impulse für Ihre Entscheidungsprozesse bieten die hochaktuellen Ergebnisse unserer weltweiten TRANSEARCH HR-Studie „People Management…

Neue Beraterinnen erweitern das Team von TRANSEARCH International Deutschland GmbH in München

TRANSEARCH International Deutschland GmbH freut sich, zwei erfahrene Beraterinnen im Münchner Büro willkommen zu heißen. Heidelore Gerbing und Sandra…

Einblicke in unsere Arbeit: Die Grenzen Künstlicher Intelligenz im Executive Search - im Gespräch mit Dr. Edgar Kirchmann

Die Zukunft des Executive Search wird eine faszinierende Mischung aus menschlicher Weisheit und technologischer Innovation sein. Die Kunst besteht…

TRANSEARCH Business Lunch mit Carlo Lazzarini, CEO der PWO AG

Der TRANSEARCH Business Lunch erwies sich auch dieses Jahr wieder als ein inspirierendes Forum für hochrangige Unternehmensführer:innen.

TRANSEARCH KinderHilfe-Stiftung und ChildFund Deutschland e.V.: Gemeinsam für Kinder in der Ukraine und in Sambia

Durch Ihre großzügigen Spenden und die Zusammenarbeit mit unserem langjährigen Partner, ChildFund Deutschland e.V., konnten wir einen bedeutenden…

Hinhören, Verstehen, Gestalten: Die Kraft des Zuhörens

Ganz gleich, ob Sie mit Kund:innen in Kontakt stehen, nach neuen Führungskräften suchen oder frisch in einer Führungsposition durchstarten –…

TRANSEARCH Business Lunch: Dr. Martin Sonnenschein über die Lösungen für die Zukunft

„Wie wird die Welt, wie wird Deutschland in sieben Jahren dastehen?“ Das ist die Frage, die Dr. Martin Sonnenschein, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der…

TRANSEARCH KinderHilfe Stiftung - unser Jahresrückblick 2022

Herzlichen Dank Ihnen für Ihre Unterstützung!

TRANSEARCH C-Suite-Roundtables: The Six Levers for Success in Times of Major Crisis

In dem Bestreben, zum Erfolg unserer Klient:innen beizutragen, hat TRANSEARCH auch 2022 unter der Leitung von Dr.-Ing. Carlo Mackrodt und Bernd…

TRANSEARCH International Deutschland in der WirtschaftsWoche 3mal exzellent bewertet

Über 2.500 Personalentscheider:innen haben an der Auswahl und Bewertung der besten Personalberatungen Deutschlands teilgenommen. TRANSEARCH…

TRANSEARCH Business Lunch: Cosimo de Carlo (EDAG) über multifunktionale Roboterfahrzeuge in der Stadt der Zukunft

Sauber, nachhaltig, sicher, energieeffizient, lebenswert und leise – das ist die Vision einer Stadt der Zukunft. Wie diese Vision umgesetzt werden…

TRANSEARCH Executive Roundtables mit Dr. Carlo Mackrodt

Corona hat vieles beeinflusst. Die Ukraine-Krise hat alles verändert. Welches sind die Hebel, um die Krise zu meistern?

Diese Themen diskutierte Dr.…

40 Jahre TRANSEARCH International - Global Conference 2022 Rom

„Resilience, Reinvention & Refocus“ stehen im Fokus der Global Conference 2022 von TRANSEARCH International Partners ltd. in Rom. Über 150…

Astrid Hamker zu Gast beim TRANSEARCH Business Lunch

Der TRANSEARCH Business Lunch ist eine hochkarätige und etablierte Netzwerkplattform für Top-Executives im exklusiven Rahmen.

Statement zur Krise in der Ukraine

Auch wenn die globale Gesellschaft unterschiedliche politische Ansichten und Einstellungen vertritt, so sind wir uns doch einig in unserem Bekenntnis…

Dr.-Ing. Carlo Mackrodt präsentiert die TRANSEARCH International Survey „ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE NEW REALITY?“ auf dem Münchner Management Kolloquium

Als Referent beim diesjährigen Münchner Management Kolloquium berichtete Dr.-Ing. Carlo Mackrodt, Managing Partner bei TRANSEARCH International, in…

TRANSEARCH International Deutschland in der Wirtschaftswoche 5mal exzellent bewertet

Über 2.500 Personalentscheider:innen haben in 2021 an der Auswahl und Bewertung der besten Personalberater Deutschlands teilgenommen. Diese Umfrage…

“ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE NEW REALITY? – Coming out of the crisis stronger!“

Der traditionelle Business Lunch der TRANSEARCH International Deutschland konnte nach zwei virtuellen Meetings endlich wieder als hochkarätige…

Verstärkung für TRANSEARCH in Deutschland

Benedikt Douglas ist nun Client Partner bei TRANSEARCH International mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung als Line Manager und Geschäftsführer in der…

Video | TRANSEARCH Kinderhilfe Stiftung
TRANSEARCH Executive Roundtables mit Dr. Carlo Mackrodt

Ganz herzlichen Dank allen TeilnehmerInnen der C-Level Roundtables als follow up unserer Ergebnisse der Anfang des Jahres durchgeführten…

Ankündigung TRANSEARCH Business Lunch 19.10.2021

Am 19.10.2021 wird wieder der TRANSEARCH Business Lunch im DEKRA Club-Restaurant Bischoff stattfinden. Unsere Kollegen Dr. Carlo Mackrodt (Managing…

TRANSEARCH International eröffnet neues Büro in Hamburg

TRANSEARCH International hat vor kurzem ein neues Büro in Hamburg eröffnet. Das Team in Hamburg hat einen sehr starken Background und eine…

Internationale News

Soledad Mosquera Joins TRANSEARCH in Chile

TRANSEARCH International is pleased to announce the addition of Soledad Mosquera as a Senior Consultant in Chile. With over 18 years of Human Resources experience, Soledad...

Angela Orbaneja Joins TRANSEARCH in Madrid

TRANSEARCH International is pleased to welcome Angela Orbaneja to our Madrid office. Angela is an experienced HR professional with over 20 years of expertise in leadership,...

Frederic Nolf Joins TRANSEARCH in Belgium

TRANSEARCH International is thrilled to announce that Frédéric Nolf has joined as a Senior Consultant in Belgium. With over 30 years of Human Resources leadership,...

TRANSEARCH International Expands Global Presence with New Office in South Korea

TRANSEARCH International expands into South Korea with a new office led by industry veteran JH Baek. This move strengthens their presence in Asia, providing world-class...

Samiron Ghoshal Joins TRANSEARCH in India

TRANSEARCH India is delighted to announce the appointment of Samiron Ghoshal as Senior Partner for Technology. With a distinguished career spanning over 30 years in global...

New Managing Director for TRANSEARCH International Deutschland GmbH

TRANSEARCH International Deutschland GmbH, Stuttgart, one of the leading companies in the field of executive search & leadership consulting, has expanded its management team...

TRANSEARCH International Hungary Announces New Senior Partner

Balázs Vághy returns to TRANSEARCH International Hungary as Senior Partner, enhancing our expertise with his market knowledge and 15 years of experience in executive...

John Watson Joins TRANSEARCH International Dubai as Partner and Global Head of Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality

John Watson joins TRANSEARCH Dubai as Partner/Global Head of Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality, bringing extensive experience and a commitment to excellence.

Stepping into the Light: Assmahen El Hamdi's Ascension at TRANSEARCH International Morocco

Assmahen El Hamdi ascends as TRANSEARCH International Morocco's Managing Partner. Her 18-year journey from founding to leading showcases her respected expertise and deep...

New Consultants Join TRANSEARCH in Japan

TRANSEARCH Tokyo proudly announces the addition of Raita Suzuki and Yoko Sasaki to its esteemed team. Rai ta Suzuki, a seasoned consultant, brings expertise in Financial...

Roberto Pezza Joins TRANSEARCH in Italy

Roberto Pezza has recently joined TRANSEARCH Italy as Manager of the Leadership Consulting Practice, bringing over two decades of consultancy experience to the team. With a...

Shaping the Future Workplace: The Power of Culture

Leaders shape future workplaces through culture, focusing on empathy, strategic HR collaboration, and aligning values for talent retention and competitive advantage.

New consultants Join TRANSEARCH in Germany

TRANSEARCH International Deutschland GmbH welcomes Heidelore Gerbing and Sandra Haindl to its Munich office.

Francesco Picconi Joins TRANSEARCH in Italy

Francesco Picconi recently joined TRANSEARCH as a partner based in the Milan office, specialising in Executive Search and Leadership Consulting, primarily focusing on the...

TRANSEARCH International Expands Presence with New Office in Istanbul, Turkey

TRANSEARCH International expands into Istanbul, Turkey, strengthening its Middle East and Africa presence. This new venture will be headed up by managing Partner, Murat...

Sabine Giorgis Joins TRANSEARCH in France

Sabine Giorgis recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Paris. As Partner, she brings over 20 years of experience in Human Resources consulting and business organisation...

Murielle Bauduin Joins TRANSEARCH in Morocco

Murielle Bauduin recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Morocco. She is a certified coach with three decades of expertise in leadership development, team coaching, and...

Annette Linton Joins TRANSEARCH in Sweden

Annette Linton recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Gothenburg. She is a Senior Consultant, specialising in Executive Search, Board recruitment, and assessment

TRANSEARCH International Opens New Office In Helsingborg, Sweden

TRANSEARCH International is delighted to announce the opening of its office in Helsingborg, Sweden, with Peter Ohman as Senior Consultant and Manager. Peter is located in...

TRANSEARCH International Strengthens Its Presence In Asia

TRANSEARCH International, in partnership with Asianet Consultants, continues its expansion into the Asian market with the establishment of a new office in Guangzhou. Heading...

TRANSEARCH International Partners Joins Forces with Decarie Executive Search

This strategic collaboration solidifies its presence in Montreal and enhances executive search capabilities, leveraging global expertise and client-centric values.

TRANSEARCH International Partners Joins Forces with Asianet

TRANSEARCH International and Asianet Consultants have partnered to provide comprehensive human capital solutions in Asia, combining TRANSEARCH's global reach and Asianet’s...

Office romance that made a headhunting godfather.

Geoff Slade shares his career history, love life and business success with ‘The Australian’.

High standards and humanism in the search for high-level executives.

Join us as we go on a journey with Anne Chevillotte and her humanist vision for executive search, as featured in Le Point magazine.

Ruby Gupte Joins TRANSEARCH in the United Arab Emirates

The Dubai office of TRANSEARCH recently welcomed a new partner, Ruby Gupte. Ruby Gupte has a wealth of experience in executive search and outplacement. Her areas of focus are...

Roxana Popa Joins TRANSEARCH in Romania

The Romanian office of TRANSEARCH recently welcomed a new consultant, Roxana Popa. Roxana has more than 15 years’ experience in Human Resources, specifically recruitment...

TRANSEARCH Malaysia Turns 30

Founded in 1992 by Wendy Lau and having placed thousands of executives and supported hundreds of clients within the past three decades, TRANSEARCH Malaysia has grown to...

Laurent Lejeune Joins TRANSEARCH in Belgium

The Belgium office of TRANSEARCH recently welcomed a new Partner, Laurent Lejeune. Laurent started his career in the marketing department of Procter & Gamble. He then moved...

Alessandra Fogola Joins TRANSEARCH in Italy

The Italian office of TRANSEARCH recently welcomed a new partner, Alessandra Fogola. Alessandra has 5 years’ experience in Executive Search, starting in 2018 when she...

Interview with Annemieke Hartman-Jemmett

Richard Beesley once again continues his 'Interviews with Business Leaders' series, and this edition features Anemieke Hartman-Jemmett, a C-Suite Interim, Executive Coach and...

The Tuesday Club. Women and Leadership.

In honour of IWD 2022, the Tuesday Club featured an incredible group of women from diverse backgrounds, industries, and cultures, that shared how they use their voice to...

Statement on the crisis in Ukraine

While our global community represents a diverse set of political views and policy preferences, we are unanimous in our belief in human rights, democratic values, the...

Bill Haggerty Joins TRANSEARCH in Australia

The Melbourne office of TRANSEARCH Australia recently welcomed new Principal, Bill Haggerty. With over 19 years’ experience in executive search, Bill Haggerty specialises...

Maurizio Caminada Joins TRANSEARCH in Italy

The Milan office of TRANSEARCH Italy recently welcomed new Partner, Maurizio Caminada. Maurizio has been a C–level International Executive, experienced in different...

Claire Floreani Joins TRANSEARCH in France

Claire Floreani recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Paris as Partner, Sustainability Consulting. Claire has been working with TRANSEARCH International for the last 15...

TRANSEARCH International Partners Strengthens Its United States’ Life Sciences Capability.

TRANSEARCH International recently strengthened its presence in the United States by welcoming in Derick Haire and his team in Austin. Derick has more than 20 years of...

TRANSEARCH International Partners Adds a New Partner Firm in Detroit.

TRANSEARCH International recently strengthened its presence in the United States by welcoming Mark Thibodeau and his team in Detroit. The Detroit office is led by Mark...

Frank Nederveen Joins TRANSEARCH in The Netherlands

Frank Nederveen recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Amsterdam. He is a Senior Partner, and a core member of the global Financial Services Practice, with a particular...

The TRANSEARCH ChildFund Foundation Activity Status

Uli Ackermann, Managing Partner of TRANSEARCH International Deutschland GmbH, reports on the status of the activities of the TRANSEARCH ChildFund Foundation.

Greater China Campaign - "Americans Don't Know How Capitalist China Is"

A decade ago its retail-goods market was about $1.8 trillion—less than half that of the United States. In 2019 that market reached $6 trillion, surpassing the U.S. level of...

Opening of the Health Post Nurses’ House in Namununga

On February 5 2021 the new Health Post for the nurses of the Health Clinic in Namununga celebrated it’s opening.

Nobutaka Horii Joins TRANSEARCH in Japan

Nobutaka Horii recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Tokyo. Prior to joining TRANSEARCH, he was a senior HR Manager of a company in the energy industry. He has 20 years'...

Anki Aronsson Joins TRANSEARCH in Sweden

Anki Aronsson recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Gothenburg. She is a senior executive search consultant, serving clients with projects across Sweden within her area of...

Juan Riestra Joins TRANSEARCH in Spain

Juan Riestra recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Madrid. He brings extensive experience in the renewable energy and capital goods sectors. He has held management...

Claudia Paladino Joins TRANSEARCH in Italy

Claudia Paladino is a Senior Executive Search Advisor with international experience in different industries and search in C levels talents across roles and functions. She...

Claire Jouffroy Joins TRANSEARCH in France

Claire Jouffroy recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Paris. She is a senior executive search consultant with 20 years' experience. She is a trusted advisor to her...

Pierre-Louis Letaillieur Joins TRANSEARCH in France

Pierre-Louis Letaillieur recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Paris. He brings with him 16 years of experience in Executive Search, with international exposure. Before...

TRANSEARCH International Partners recently opened a new office in Miami.

TRANSEARCH International recently opened new offices in Miami, by incorporating XTLNT, strengthening its presence in the United States. XTLNT led by Alfonso Goyeneche heads...

Eric Price Joins TRANSEARCH in the United Kingdom

Eric Price recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in London. He is a Partner of TRANSEARCH UK and brings more than twenty years' international executive search experience,...

Staying Connected With TRANSEARCH During the Covid-19 Crisis.

We would like to share TRANSEARCH International's ongoing response and planning in relation to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Our business continuity plan takes the...

Are You The Leader They Need?

Excerpted from Why Does Your Top Talent Stay? By John O Burdett. A crisis demands, now more than ever, that a successful leader employs the head, empowers the hand, engages...

New consultants Join TRANSEARCH in Denmark

Hans Iakob Estrup and Martin Wilhelm-Nielsen have recently opened the TRANSEARCH office in Copenhagen. Hans Iakob Estrup is an International result-oriented top executive...

Silvana Bock Joins TRANSEARCH in Brazil

Silvana Bock recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Sao Paulo. Silvana has extensive experience leading executive search projects. She was previously Partner and Director...

Annalisa de Lucia Joins TRANSEARCH in Italy

Annalisa de Lucia has recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Milan. Annalisa de Lucia has more than 15 years' experience in executive search for Middle and Senior...

Caroline Gougeon Joins TRANSEARCH in France

Caroline Gougeon recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Paris Munich as an executive search consultant. Caroline has 20 years of Marketing and Human Resources experience in...

New consultant Joins TRANSEARCH in Czech Republic

Vladimir Polomsky has recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Prague. Vladimir Polomsky is a seasoned commercial leader with 25 years experience in different consumer...

The Global Expansion of Executive Search

The demand for skilled leadership exceeds supply worldwide and the pressure is high for organisations to find and retain top talent. The executive search and leadership...

New Chairman at TRANSEARCH International Partners

TRANSEARCH International Partners elected Ulrich F Ackermann as its new Chairman effective 1 January 2019. He succeeds Alain Tanugi, who after three decades as Chairman,...

TRANSEARCH strengthens its presence in Munich

TRANSEARCH International continues its course of expansion by strengthening its presence in Munich. TRANSEARCH now offers even more high-calibre experts in all areas of...

New Consultant Joins TRANSEARCH in Sweden

Olof Sanden has recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Stockholm as Senior Search Consultant.Olof Sanden has over 30 years' business experience from a wide range of...

Peter Clason Joins TRANSEARCH in Sweden

Peter Clason recently joined the TRANSEARCH office in Stockholm. His focus is financial services, consumer and retail, technology, communications and media and government...

TRANSEARCH International Opens Office in Switzerland

TRANSEARCH International Partners recently strengthened its presence in Europe by opening a new office in Switzerland.The team in Zurich is headed up by Danny Hiscott and...

What are Some Hiring Trends Being Seen in the United Kingdom?

With Bluesteps' "Ask an Expert" podcast series, they provide you the executive career guidance you need to succeed. Bernard Perry from your UK Office recently joined the...

James Cassidy Joins TRANSEARCH in Prague

James Cassidy is an experienced search professional with over 25 years' HR and international experience in Asia and Europe. Aside from his HR and marketing experience in...